Buyers looking for offset credits

Your planning permit application has come back with conditions – you need to offset the native vegetation that you are proposing to remove.
Let us help you to meet the native vegetation offset requirements of your planning permit.
As an accredited native vegetation offset broker, we can explain how offsets work, source suitable credits, introduce you to a seller and act as intermediary in price negotiations. We will also help with the purchase process, and make sure you have the correct paperwork for Council at the end.

We offer permit holders, developers and consultants:
- a free, no obligation search and quotation service
- competitive turnaround times – we know that your project can’t wait
- access to available credits – we offer multiple price options if possible
- an extensive knowledge of established offset sites and a network of landowners with suitable sites
- end-to-end service – from securing your biodiversity offsets through to completion
- experience - we have facilitated over a thousand offset arrangements across NSW, Victoria and South Australia.
Native vegetation offsets for smaller projects – how it works
Planning permits and removing native vegetation
Calculate your offset obligation.
To calculate how to offset the vegetation you propose to remove, use the DEECA Native Management Information Tool NVIM: applications to remove native vegetation
Type in your address and identify the tree or vegetation that you propose removing.
The NVIM generates a report that states if an offset is needed, and the type and number of credits you must buy. It also lets you know if you need to have the site assessed by a registered site assessor.
Submit offset information with your planning application
You need to include the NVIM report with your planning application. You also need to supply proof that the required credits are available. Ask us to provide a quote confirming that the credits are available to meet your offset obligation.
If your permit is approved with offset conditions, you must meet those conditions before the project starts.
Find suitable offset credits to buy
As an accredited broker we will help you to buy the offset credits you need. We will find suitable credits if they are available. And if they’re not, we will talk to our network of landowners who are waiting to enter the offset market.
Sign the contract, buy the credits
With the right credits identified, we can confirm a price, draw up contracts, and register the sale on the DEECA Native Vegetation Offset Register.
With the transaction complete, you receive a certificate called an Allocated Credit Extract. This is proof to your Council that you have paid for the offset. Your Council will check that your planning permit offset obligations have been met, and give the go-ahead for your vegetation removal.
Infringements – buying credits to offset illegal clearing
If you have cleared native vegetation without buying native vegetation offsets first, we can help you to organise your offsets retrospectively. Your local council or ecological consultant will help you to quantify your retrospective offset obligations.