Committed Environmentalists
Individuals making a difference
Not all offset sites are managed by small teams. There are plenty managed by the landowner themselves. And that is the case for one of our landowners who established an offset site located in the Hepburn Shire area (North Central CMA).
Through the sale of offset credits, these landowners have been able to make improvements to their property that they may not have been able to afford otherwise; such as erecting new stock-proof fencing and upgrading existing fencing at the property.
They have also ramped up their regular pest plant and pest animal control, and experimented with additional measures, like erosion control and fencing sensitive flora from browsing/grazing animals.
As these landowners do not live on the property, they have taken extra measures to ensure that they meet the targets outlined on their management plan by purchasing wildlife cameras to monitor fauna activity on the site (both native and introduced species). These actions have improved the condition of their property, which provides habitat for threatened species.
The management of this offset site has fostered such sense of pride and a desire to protect the biodiversity of our native vegetation that these landowners have recently established a second offset in the Mallee CMA.