A Family of Land Conservationists
A young family establish an offset site near Wangaratta
In 2015, a young family of passionate land conservationists set up an offset site on a 100 acre property in the Wangaratta area of the North East CMA.

Their property contains forest and woodland vegetation communities, with over 150 large old trees observed and recorded at the site. In spring, the property is covered in wildflowers, including a range of lily and orchid species, while ephemeral drainage lines and soaks offer micro habitat areas in a dry landscape.
Secure fencing was one of the first management actions undertaken on the property. They fixed, and in some sections, erected new fencing around the boundary of the property. They have also had signs made to inform of the conservation nature of the property. Once the boundary fencing was secure, approximately 1.5km of internal fencing was decommissioned, dismantled and removed to allow free movement of wildlife across the property and into the adjoining National Park.
These landowners have established ten photo points at the property, strategically placed within different vegetation communities on the site to monitor and record any changes through time, with weed and pests controlled seasonally. Pest control is conducted by local specialists, Ben and Gus (Gus is a dog trained in reptile scent detection), to check burrows for reptiles and treat active burrows to control rabbits. Warren, another local pest specialist, assesses fox activity on the site and manages as required.
This year the family plans to work with Yorta Yorta Nation Aboriginal Corporation to have their management plan reviewed to incorporate cultural heritage management.